What’s new in the world of speciality coffee?

My coffee journey continues, but you’ll need to follow my latest project over at Coffeehunt.com.au

Sydney Coffee Map

Sydney Coffee Map

Looking for the most up to date map of BitterBliss recommended cafes across the glorious Sydney cafe scene. Look no further.

What is coffee?

Challenge - What have you learned so far?

I am on a long journey to learn more about coffee, and I am more than happy to share what I find. Sound interesting?

Support BitterBliss


Time to drop everything and head to the Melbourne International Coffee Expo but I need a bit of help to get there.


In a world of people drinking strong, extra hot, extra large lattes with 3+ sugars (etc), discussing the awesome potential of coffee is challenging. But rather than write these people off as doomed to drink their overly sweet, slightly caffeinated hot milk, perhaps there is a better way…

Can you complete all the challenges?

My #CoffeeHunt

Ever wonder how many coffees a coffeegeek like myself can finish off in a day? Wondering what sort of coffee I’ve been drinking?

Simply click the filter below and find out.

Caffeinated Clothing

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